Thursday, March 17, 2011

|SPOILER| William Forsythe interpretará pai de Rigsby

William Forsythe, mais conhecido como o vilão Flattop de Dick Tracy (1990), interpretará Steve Rigsby, um criminoso profissional e membro de uma gangue de motociclistas. Mas o personagem de Forsythe, descrito pelo produtor Bruno Heller como " um esperto e carismático fora da lei com um quê de violência, mas de um charme jovial", não foi o melhor pai para Wayne Rigsby (Owain Yeoman). "Ele é Arrogante, egoísta e cruel", diz Heller. "Foi um péssimo pai para Rigsby, que se lembra dos abusos do álcool, dos longos períodos de ausência e das lágrimas de sua mãe". Além disso, Steve não aprovou a escolha profissional do filho. "Ele tinha horror de que algum de seus flhos entrasse para a polícia. Via isso como traição, rejeição à tradição da família Rigsby.", conta Heller.

A presença de Steve poderá trazer mais tensão à trama. Quando Jane e a equipe precisam de ajuda para decifrar um caso em que companheiros de cela têm motivos para assasinar, Rigsby e a equipe recorrem à ajuda de Steve, que provavelmente não cooperará. Além disso, não se pode esquecer que Wayne arriscou a propria carreira e a do amigo e colega de trabalho Kimball Cho (Tim Kang), quando mentiu para as autoridades em busca de um alíbi que pudesse livrar seu pai da cadeia. Será que esse segredo virá à tona? Há dúvidas de que os agentes saiam ilesos desta situação, segundo Heller, que acrescenta: "Apesar de toda esta tensão, pai e filho se amam profundamente.", diz ele, "Mas estão moralmente e emocionalmente distantes um do outro para perceber isso."

O episódio virá ao ar no mês de maio. Confira a notícia na íntegra:


The Mentalist Exclusive: William Forsythe Is Rigsby's Dad!

Talk about perfect casting: Notorious film villain William Forsythe has been tapped to play yet another heavy on CBS' The Mentalist, has learned exclusively.

Forsythe, perhaps best remembered as Flattop in Dick Tracy, will play Steve Rigsby, a career criminal and the biker father of the CBI's own Wayne Rigsby (Owain Yeoman). One thing's for sure: Forsythe's character — described by series creator Bruno Heller as "a clever and charismatic outlaw with an edge of violence, leavened by mercurial charm" — wasn't exactly the best father.

"[He's] selfish, arrogant and ruthless," Heller tells "He made a very poor father to Rigsby, who remembers mostly drunken abuse and long absences and his mother's tears."

Making matters worse, Rigsby's dad also has some problems with his son's chosen profession. "Steve is outraged that any child of his would join the police," Heller says. "He sees it as a personal betrayal, a rejection of Rigsby family tradition."

That could lead to some major tension in the episode, which finds Rigsby & Co. investigating the murder of a prison guard. When Jane (Simon Baker) needs help deciphering which inmates may have had a motive for murder, Rigsby calls on his ex-con father for help. Will he cooperate? Probably not, but let's not forget that Rigsby put his job — and the job of his partner, Cho (Tim Kang) — on the line earlier this season, when he lied to authorities to provide an alibi for his father and keep him out of jail. Anyone else think that secret might surface when the old man rides back into town?

Regardless, it remains uncertain whether these two will ever be able to put their bad blood behind them, Heller says. "Underneath all this tension, father and son love each other deeply," he says. "But they are morally and emotionally too far apart to realize that fact."

Forsythe, 55, has also appeared in such films as Once Upon a Time in America, Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, Raising Arizona and The Rock. On the small screen, he starred in the 1993 syndicated series The Untouchables and the short-lived 2002 Fox series John Doe. He's also guest-starred on Hill Street Blues, Entourage, Las Vegas and, most recently, the Rob Zombie-directed episode of CSI: Miami.

The Mentalist airs Thursdays at 10/9c on CBS. Forsythe's episode is scheduled to air May 5.

Do you think they got the right actor for the part?

Créditos: Adam Bryant (TV Guide)

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