Wednesday, March 2, 2011

|SPOILER| Amizade entre Cho e Rigsby pode estar ameaçada

Cho provou sua lealdade ao mentir para proteger Rigsby, confirmando o álibi do agente de San Diego. Mesmo consciente das consequências que seu ato poderia acarretar e ressentido por ter sido submetido a esta situação, sua atitude acabou por aproximá-los. No entanto, este cenário poderá mudar quando o pai de Rigsby chegar inesperadamente à cidade, ainda nesta temporada. Confira o Mega Buzz desta semana:


So, what's the deal with Rigsby and Cho on The Mentalist? The writers kind of left us hanging after Cho perjured himself. — Evan

ADAM: Patience, Evan. No one, especially Cho, has forgotten the risk he took by lying to cover Rigsby's alibi. "Cho proved his baseline loyalty. And as much as he resented Rigsby getting him into that trouble, to a degree it has brought them closer," creator Bruno Heller tells us. But Heller says that all will change when Rigsby's "badass dad" blows into town later this season.


Créditos: Adam Bryant (TV Guide)

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